They have supported the dance activity since their graduation in 1980. Over the years they have danced with the Hampton Hoedowners and supported all the dance clubs in the surrounding area. They graduated from Hampton Hoedowners in 1980 and are founding members of that club.
They have attended most MCCA Conventions.They have attended many New England Conventions.They have attended many Nova Scotia Festivals.They have attended many National Conventions and were actively involved in Convention 2002 with Ways and Means, giving up many hours of dancing at Festivals and dances to promote the Convention.
Besides dancing they have held various executive positions, including President, Secretary and Treasurer, for Hampton Hoedowners. They are always there when things needed to be done; organizing floats, demos, banner raids, kitchen duties, specials etc. always there to welcome dancers, especially new dancers and always with words of encouragement.
In the latter years his health deteriorated, limiting their traveling, but remaining a forceful presence in their own area. He tries to dance but very seldom completes a tip.
In summary; Friends in the dance community who have known them for many years describe them as two of the best ambassadors for dance they know supporting the concept of combined square and round dances, always trying to promote the movement’s growth.